Honey has been the biggest blessing for our family.

Today I had a good ugly cry. It would have been embarrassing if anyone was watching, but I was home alone for a few hours while the boys were at school. It wasn’t for any reason in particular-just a lot of things I’d been holding in that needed to be released. Suddenly I felt a wet nose press against my hands, which were covering my face. Honey, who I had forgot was in the other room napping, heard me and came in. She dipped her head low and licked my cheeks, and put her paw on my shoulder. She sat there beside me, alternating paw taps until I calmed the heck down.

I know I post a lot about the annoyances of having a dog, but in all honesty, Honey has been the biggest blessing for our family. She is the most patient pup. She lets my boys attack and wrestle with her and has NEVER growled or raised her lips at them once-even when they chase her around with Halloween masks.🙄She loves to go on runs and hikes with us. I can finally see a sliver of light at the end of the puppy tunnel and she is getting more and more fun (and obedient!) every day. I’ve never known a dog to be so intuitive, except our sweet Cowboy. It’s the bernedoodle breed. They are the BEST dogs. I just found out Honey’s mama is having another litter in the spring and if you’ve been thinking about getting a dog, check them out.

❤️🐾 @meebs_bernedoodles

Alysha KT